


Dr. Mrs. Victoria Afua Norgbey is an Educationist, Agriculturist, a Gender Expert and a Leadership icon. She holds an Executive Master’s degree in Governance and Leadership from the Graduate School of Governance and Leadership, GIMPA, Accra, Ghana. She also holds a BSc. (honours) degree in General Agriculture from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana with Diploma in Education (Professional teacher). Victoria specialized in Poultry Production and Feed Milling Technology from Barneveld College in the Netherlands. She is also a product of Kansa State University, USA in Feed production and Management. Victoria has work experience in Gender issues that cuts across the country and beyond the Africa Region as well Asia. She has worked in areas of Gender mainstreaming in development programmes in Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Liberia, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia and Bangladesh since 2012.

Mrs. Norgbey worked with World Vision International in Ghana for over eight years in Rural Development, starting as a Youth Development Officer in charge of Gender and Leadership trainings, and by dint of hard work rose to the position of a Programme Manager. Mrs. Norgbey is credited with Abura Vocational and Leadership Institute (Award winning Project) in the Western Region of Ghana, a project she nurtured with her leadership trainings skills to an enviable sustainable position among other youth projects in Ghana.

She was a member of the Coordinating Committee of the African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) that planned the 6th World Water Forum that took place in Marseille, France in March 2012. She specifically participated in preparing the Gender Strategy and Policy in the Water Sector for the Africa region.

She has worked intensively and continuously as Senior Trainer/ Consultant in Gender Mainstreaming in development programmes for MDF since 2012

She has served on the Central Tongu District Assembly from 2009 to 2013, where she championed the Girls and Women empowerment Issues as a member of the Social Services Committee. This manifested into a Girls’ Model School which has become the centre and flagship of Gender and Leadership activities in the District.

She is the Founder of Global Women Development Promoters (GLOWDEP), a non-profit NGO which champions the Rights of Women and Girls. GLOWDEP has been involved in Career Counseling for girls, Skills Development, Protection of Rights and advocacy for Women inclusion and participation in sustainable Developments

She is the team-Lead for the Community Participatory Process of the International Water Project that seeks to draw water from Ghana to serve communities in Togo with strong Gender component, the ‘Sogakope- Lome Transboundary Water Project.’

She worked as the Gender Expert on the NUFFIC funded project NICHE 195 EDU-WASH Project with the University of Winneba, cited at College of Agriculture at the Mampong Campus. She was the sole Gender expert on the team that conducted Gender Audit, Gender Training, Coaching, formation of Gender Association and rounded the project with a Gender Strategy for sustainability. She conducted a Leadership training for the female staff of the University to better placed them in the position of the implementation of the strategy

The Gender outputs and outcomes of the Edu-Wash Project CAGRIC were adjudged by Nuffic as “a flagship for gender approach”. The evidential monument of the project is a crèche that serves both staff and students during teaching and learning hours of the day.

Victoria was the Gender Consultant that conducted Gender Needs Analysis in Tree Crops for MEDA-FEAST project in 2018 with recommendations to strengthen the female-led SMEs in the Tree crop Sector.

In 2018, she was the Consultant that worked for UNICOM/Hershy Cocoa Action project in 12 communities in Ashanti and Central Regions on Gender and Women Economic Empowerment with emphasis on the retention of Girls in school and child labour Remediation.

In 2019, she served as the   Consultant for Touton Ghana Limited   in the implementation   of Gender activities which included Gender Needs Assessment, Gender Training, training on Nutrition, Formation of Village Savings and Loan Association (for financial and economic empowerment).This was done in collaboration with Child Rights International to mitigate Child labour activities. This was done in 33 communities in Ashanti, Kasapin-B/A, and Western North communities.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through its Ghana Poultry Project (GPP) supported female-led SMEs along the Poultry Value Chain and Victoria Conducted trainings in Gender, Business Management which included Record keeping, branding and marketing, Time Management was Group Dynamics featured on the agenda

In same year, she facilitated Gender Training and subsequently developed a Gender Strategy for the Agricultural Colleges and Farm Institutes in Ghana as part of NICHE 270 Project funded by NUFFIC.

Mrs Norgbey was awarded, on the 19th March 2013, the award for “Female Role Models in Local Governance in  Ghana as Agents of Change” by a Committee under the Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS) with support from GIZ. In a related development, she was adjudged a Volta Heroine on 15th November 2014 for her role in youth and Community Development. In 2017, the USAID honoured her for her role in the development of the Poultry Sector in Ghana and championing women empowerment activities. She also taught Agriculture in Achimota Senior High School and won the Premier Best Teacher Award for the School and the Accra Metropolis 1995. Throughout her professional life she has built up a lot of experience with management, planning, project   implementation, monitoring and evaluation and many other domains